2559 Glen Road
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: (802) 334-3364
Fax: (802) 334-3367
Superintendent: Amy Jacobs
Assistant Superintendent of Security: Greg Machia
Assistant Superintendent of Program Services: Byron Burdick
Security and Operations Supervisor: Rolando Dwyer
Security and Operations Supervisor: Terence Provencher and Callum Sullivan (Interim)
Living Unit Supervisors: Caleb Lefebvre and Robin Brown
Facility ADA Coordinator: Byron Burdick Back-Up: Amy Jacobs
Facility Business Manager: Barbara DeVost
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Information about visiting rules and procedures can be found in the Department's Administrative Directive on Inmate Visits.
Visiting at NSCF
Visiting Hours
Visiting at NSCF is scheduled Alphabetically by the incarcerated individual's last name.
Visiting Hours are as follows:
- A-C Saturday 9 -11 am
- D-K Saturdays 1 - 3 pm
- L-Q Sundays 9 - 11 am
- R-Z Sundays 1 - 3 pm
Individuals in close custody are offered one visit Monday-Friday for two hours between 08:00-16:00hrs. Visits must be requested by the incarcerated individual and approved by a Supervisor.
Helpful tips for visiting NSCF:
- A valid photo ID is required for all visitors
- Dress appropriately – persons whose dress is deemed inappropriate may be turned away.
- Arrive at the facility no more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled visiting time.
- Items may not be exchanged during visiting.
- Bathrooms are not available during visiting; please use the bathroom in the reception area prior to visiting.
- Physical contact between adult visitors and inmates is not permitted.
- All persons entering NSCF are subject to being searched.