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Roadmap to 2030: Mission-focused, values-driven

Last year, the Department redesigned its Vision, Mission, and Values statements for the first time in over 30 years to better reflect the present-day practices of the Department and encompass all that we set out to do in service to Vermont’s communities.

Photo of Commissioner DemlBut without a roadmap, we fail to fully realize our collective Vision. For the first time in recent history, the Department now has that roadmap; a Strategic Plan to position our Department as a corrections system for our time and for the future

The 2024-2030 Strategic Plan was created with statewide engagement from facilities, field sites, and central office. Centered around four key priorities, the plan identifies what we envision for Vermont's correctional system in 5, 10, 20 years, and how we can achieve this vision through these priorities.

The plan centers four key areas the Department must prioritize to keep Vermont’s correctional system moving forward and serving as a model for the rest of the nation. The plan recognizes that Staff & Staffing are the bedrock of daily operations and crucial to progressive innovation. It identifies Health & Wellness as critical to the success of the population we serve. It acknowledges the importance of embedding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in all that we do, and highlights the intent to evaluate and evolve practices to foster a culture of continuous Modernization.

The Strategic Plan will be central to our operations in the coming years as we embed the four priorities in all that we do. Thank you for your undying commitment to improve our system for our staff and those in our care.

Warm Regards,

Nicholas J. Deml


Read the full 2024-2030 Strategic Plan
Read the full 2024-2030 Strategic Plan
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for a Just System
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for a Just System
Health & Wellness
Staff & Staffing