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Health Service metrics are regularly reported each fiscal year as part of the DOC's Budget Performance Measures.
The SFI-Designation and Point-in-Time MAT Reports below provide more detailed information from the Population Characteristics, Violent Crime, and Minimum Release reports, which are all available within the Reports and Data section of the website.
In instances when there are a small number of individuals under a category creating identifiable information, data are collapsed or removed from the table/figure for confidentiality.
Health Services Incarcerated Patient Intake Overview
Timeline and explanation of health services provided to new incarcerated patient within the first 30 days of being booked into a correctional facility.
Health Services Incarcerated Patient Intake Overview Infographic
Serious Functional Impairment (SFI)-Designation Reports
Point-in-time report that examines the SFI-Designated population in relation to the general incarcerated population across a variety of metrics. These reports are updated on the last day of each calendar year quarter.
Most Recent SFI-Designation Report 12-31-2024
Previous SFI-Designation Reports
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Act 176 (hyperlinked here), effective July 1, 2018, directs Vermont correctional facilities to provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to incarcerated individuals receiving MAT prior to entering a correctional facility for as long as medically necessary. Additionally, the law requires that Vermont correctional facilities assess and commence buprenorphine-specific MAT if it is deemed medically necessary by a provider authorized to prescribe buprenorphine. The incarcerated individual shall be authorized to receive the medication as soon as possible and for as long as medically necessary. Lastly, the law requires correctional facilities to transfer incarcerated individuals from buprenorphine to methadone if methadone is determined to be medically necessary by a provider authorized to prescribe methadone and the individual elects to do so.
Point-in-Time MAT Report
Point-in-time report that examines the population receiving MAT in relation to the general incarcerated population across a variety of metrics. These reports are updated on the last day of each calendar year quarter.
Most Recent Point-in-Time MAT Report 12-31-2024
Previous Point-in-Time MAT Reports
Longitudinal MAT Report
Longitudinal report that examines the incarcerated population receiving MAT since September 1, 2018 after Act 176 was fully implemented in Vermont in-state correctional facilities. These reports are updated quarterly.
Longitudinal MAT Report 09-01-2018-12-31-2024
Patient Satisfaction Survey
Beginning in 2023, the Vermont Department of Corrections (VT DOC) received survey responses from incarcerated individuals on their healthcare satisfaction. See the link below for an infographic of the most recent results.
Fall 2023: Patient Satisfaction Survey Results