Incarcerated Population Numbers
Note: When you click on Daily Population Report for today the report will open the PDF in a new window.
Daily Incarcerated Population Report 12-20-2024
Past Daily Incarcerated Population Data
Incarcerated Population Interactive Dashboard
Interactive dashboard that includes longitudinal point-in-time data from the Incarcerated Characteristics, Violent Crime, Minimum Release, Race, and Gender Reports. Note: point-in-time reports are available through 12/31/2023. This information can now be found within the dashboard hyperlinked below.
Incarcerated Population Interactive Dashboard: Last Updated 11-30-2024
Incarcerated Population Characteristics Reports
Point-in-time analyses of the incarcerated population including crime, demographic, and facility breakdowns.
Note: Depending on your settings, the report link below will open a PDF in your web browser or download the PDF to your computer or device.
Most Recent Incarcerated Population Characteristics Report 12-31-2023
Past Incarcerated Population Characteristics Reports
Community Supervision Population Report
Point-in-time analyses of the population supervised in the community including crime, demographic, and supervision location.
Most Recent Community Supervision Population Report 11-30-2024
Past Community Supervision Population Reports