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Deaths in Custody Public Reporting

Per Vermont Statute and Departmental policy, the Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC) and its contracted health services provider (Wellpath) conduct an independent investigation into every death of a person under DOC custody.  

Additional independent reviews are conducted by Vermont State Police (VSP), Defender General’s Office (DGO), and Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc. (VPQHC) for unexpected or suspicious deaths. When appropriate, these entities and DOC may provide recommendations for further action or propose changes to law, policy, or practice. 

This page contains summaries of DOC, DGO, and VSP death review findings and recommendations for the year 2022. VPQHC recommendations are not included pursuant to 26 V.S.A. § 1443.

DOC additionally partnered with the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) in 2024 to compile a Mortality of Incarcerated Persons Data Brief. The brief contains data from the years 2019-2023. This data is supplemental to DOC's deaths in custody investigation summaries and can be accessed on the VDH website.

The 2023 investigation summaries will be added in November 2024. Thereafter, year-end summaries will be added every January.

2022 Deaths in Custody Investigations
2022 Deaths in Custody Investigations Summary
Corrections Investigative Unit
Corrections Investigative Unit
DOC Peer Support
DOC Peer Support