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Research Requests

The Vermont Department of Corrections (VTDOC) is committed to partnering with external researchers on research projects in order to better VTDOC processes and outcomes for staff and our supervised populations. All research projects involving the VTDOC require VTDOC review by subject matter experts in order for VTDOC to consider sponsoring the project. After this internal review, the project must be submitted and reviewed by the Agency of Human Services Institutional Review Board (AHS IRB). The AHS IRB typically meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Additionally, research involving surveying/interviewing the incarcerated population also requires review by Prisoners' Rights. Thus, all research projects submitted to the VTDOC require at least a three month administrative period before any data can be provided or surveys/interviews can be conducted.


Please use the link below to submit a research request and someone from the Research & Data Unit will get back with you. 

Research Request Form to Conduct Research in Partnership with Vermont Department of Corrections